A downloadable game for Windows


Somewhere in space, a spaceship has collided with a big asteroid, and now the spaceship is heavily damaged! The engines have stopped working, and a big part of the internal structure of the ship is broken too. The crew that used to be on the spaceship, has already evacuated with tiny emergency spaceships.  

However… they “forgot” someone. One robot. The crew left a robot behind on the spaceship... He got betrayed by his crew! How could they leave him behind like that? He’s now stuck on this spaceship… and if he doesn’t escape the spaceship, he will die! But… there seems to be no way out… At this rate, he won’t make it out alive… If he wants to live, he must do something! There must be a way out, right? 

And then suddenly, he realizes something... He has his portal gun! His crew never allowed him to use his portal gun before, but since his crew betrayed him, he doesn’t have to obey those orders anymore.  

He doesn’t really have a choice anyway. If he wants to have a chance to survive, he must use his portal gun, it’s his only option left! However, escaping the spaceship still is a challenging task. Since the ship is heavily damaged, parts of the ships are broken. And that’s not the only thing, there are also obstacles in the way that our robot must traverse through. If he uses his portal gun in creative ways, he might be able to navigate through the spaceship. 

Sadly, escaping the spaceship isn’t the only thing he has to worry about… To escape the spaceship, our robot needs to open a gate. To open this gate, he needs a battery. Along the way, there are battery fragments he needs to collect. Without these, he cannot open the gate. 

With your help, he might be able to escape the spaceship and survive! Maybe not all hope is lost! 


Programming: Antonio, Nikola
Design: Lev, Alexander
Art: Filipp, Darren,  Aref


This game was made for a school project in about a week. We worked hard and enjoyed the process of creating it, but there still are bugs and the performance slows down after playing for a while.


MindThePortal.zip 68 MB

Install instructions

1.Unzip the file
2.Open the folder and look for "GXPEngine.exe" and double click it to run the game(sorry for the clutter)

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